Sunday Morning Worship Service

10:00 AM


Our service is from 10:00-11:15am. Bagels, donuts, and coffee are ready by 9:30 am, and many people like to visit with one another before the start of service. Our worship music ties in with the week’s expository sermon and is God-centered, theologically sound, and rich in meaning. Doxa’s style of worship is a mix of contemporary hymns, worship songs, and modernized traditional hymns. We observe open communion every Sunday which means all who have put their faith in Jesus Christ are welcome to participate.

Babies, toddlers, and preschoolers can be dropped off in the nursery and preschool room before the start of service. Elementary-aged children are dismissed mid-service to attend children’s church. However, children of all ages are welcome to remain with their parents throughout the entire worship service. The Gospel Project for Kids is our children’s ministry curriculum. All teachers have undergone and passed background checks.

Doxa means glory

... and it is found 167 times in the New Testament.

Doxa Church exists to glorify God. We are a body of believers who gather from all around the greater Metro-Detroit area to worship together on Sunday mornings and throughout the week.


  • Grow & Go Groups

    The church meets in smaller Grow 'n' Go Groups (G2) throughout the week to discuss sermon-based questions, pray, and fellowship. 

  • Children's church

    Children of all ages are welcome to join us at Doxa Sunday mornings. Nursery, preschool, and children's church are available during the Sunday Services. Click here for more information.

  • DOXA women's ministry

    Beginning on January 9th, join the ladies of Doxa one Thursday evening each month (from 6:30-8:00pm) for:

    • Rich small group discussion time
    • Study and memorization of Scripture
    • Testimonies of God's transforming work
    • Prayer
    It is our desire that by attending these evenings you will be EQUIPPED, ENRICHED, EDUCATED, and ENCOURAGED in your walk with Christ and in your relationships with other ladies of the church. Please put the following dates on your calendars; no curriculum is needed, but bring your Bible! Email for more information.


    Women’s Ministry Spring Schedule

    Thursday nights from 6:30pm - 8:30pm

    • January 9
    • February 13
    • March 13
    • April 10
    • May 8


    Following Jesus as a man in today’s world has unique challenges. As the men of Doxa, we want to link arms in facing these challenges head on, with biblical understanding, practical application, and mutual support. We will gather monthly for a time of interactive teaching, Bible study, and discussion.

    We will also strive to develop spiritually meaningful relationships between two or more men that meet regularly outside of the monthly meetings for encouragement, exhortation, accountability, and prayer, as we disciple one another .Email for more information.

    A man’s life largely consists of his relationships with God and others. Under the umbrella of loving God wholly and loving neighbor as self, this year we want to biblically teach and equip the men of our church toward greater Christlikeness and real-world application in these various relationships. Thus, for 2024-2025 our theme is “A Man’s Relationships.”

    Men’s Ministry Spring Schedule

    Saturday mornings from 8:00 am - 10:00 am

    • January 18
      A Man's Relationship with Other Men, Part 2
    • February 15
      A Man's Relationship with His Family as Spiritual Leader
    • March 15
      A Man's Relationship with Unbelievers
    • April 12
      A Man's Relationship with His Money
    • May 17
      A Man's Relationship with His Time

  • the union

    The Union is our ministry for college-aged young adults and young families.